
A review of last night and what's for dinner tonight.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Things My Three Year Old Says......

I have to laugh at my kids most of the time.  Joey is a hoot.  Yesterday I was mixing the meatloaf and Joe was sitting on a chair watching me.  All of a sudden the conversation turned like this:

Joe: My poo is fighting
Me: Your poo is fighting?
Joe: Yes my poo is fighting
Me: Who is your poo fighting
Joe: My other poo
Me: where is your poo fighting at
Joe: In my butt

That wasn't the last of I heard about his fighting poo.  I thought I was in the clear after that, but no.  Later I was in the shower and he comes in and it goes like this:

Joe: Mom I just have to poo
Me: Then go poo
after a little bit
Joe: Mom..... my poo is fighting
Me: Is your poo fighting your other poo
Joe: No mom (sarcasm) my poo is fighting my butt
Me: Really (in disbelief that we are again on the fighting poo subject)
Joe: Yea and my butt is a loser..... I just go a lotta poo.

I am so happy that my three year old finds so much fun in talking about his poo so much.  This I know is another reason I lost mom of the year award lol.  It is one of his "quirks" I guess.  I just think (which I am assuming Joe doesn't care) that I don't really need to know about his bowel movements.  He will go into the bathroom come out and inform me what every turd looks like most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I so can't wait till Rachel and Anna hit this age. I wonder what amazing things they will come up with.
