
A review of last night and what's for dinner tonight.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Safe or Unsafe That Is The Question.......

Right before we bought the house I talked with the school that my children attend and discussed with them whether or not I was still in the school district or not and then where the bus stop was.  The principle informed me that there wasn't one and we were considered to live within walking distance.  We discussed the pros and cons for a little while then told me that it would be good to have one in front of my house.  Let's jump forward two months.  I meet my neighbor.  She has a kindergartner and was told that the bus would stop in front between the two houses.  Later that day I was told by the bus driver that the school district superintendent said that it was unsafe for the bus to stop on the main street like that and that it was safer for the kids to cross the main street and get on the bus on the little side street.  EXCUSE ME????  Are you freaking kidding me?  I have two that get on the bus, but I cross FIVE kids across in the afternoon.  My neighbor has a daycare so there are days that she crosses up to 10 kids.  Another neighbor only crosses one child, sometimes three.  So between the three of us we can have up to 18 children crossing the street, a main road where people this it is OK to go 45 instead of the posted 25.  This superintendent (Dr. F) came to the stop and "talked" to us parents (more like at us).  He stated that it was unsafe for the bus to stop on the main street and we the parents have to "help" walk our children across the street.  We tried talking to him, but he stopped us and hopped into his car and drove off.  Both the neighbor and I called the school and said if we can get a crossing guard, in turn the school said you have to talk to the street department.  We contacted the street department, they stated that we have to talk to the police department.  We called the police department, and they said that is a decision for the school district.  Called the school district about 7 times and the neighbor lost count.  No one wants to acknowledge this matter.  Once it started to be dark when the children cross the road I was wearing bight colored sweatshirts.  I am not a small lady to say the least either.  I look down the street and noticed that all the cars were stopped at the light about a half a mile down.  I start to cross the street and about half way across I hear a loud engine accelerating.  I look and see this car speeding forward with NO lights on.  Lucky my kids and I got out of the way fast enough.  There were a few other instances that were similar where I almost got hit by a car crossing that street.  When trying to reach Dr. F he is always either in a meeting or out of the building.  I wonder what is safer.  The bus stopping on the main street or us walking our children across the main street?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mexican Teen Starving Herself To Try To Get Tickets To Royal Wedding.......

Here is the link for the clipit comment thingy they did on their Facebook.  Here is the link for the story.

I just got seeing this clip on the news about this Mexican teenager at the British Embassy for tickets to Prince William's wedding.  Then I was on Facebook and I was reading all the comments on there about it.  People are so cruel and uneducated.  I say that if she wants to go on this hunger strike to try and get tickets to this wedding then it is her choice.  What is it "our" place to tell her what she should go on a hunger strike for?  I really don't understand why people are being so harsh about it.  She is in HER country, doing what most teenagers do.... protest about one thing or another.  I remember when I was in the fifth grade I would have done this for NKOTB tickets if I thought I could get away with it!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daily Doldrums Of A Stay-At-Home Mom

Every day I get up and look at the face of my youngest who yet again finagled his way into my bed.  He smiles then smacks me (sometimes in my face) and then laughs hysterically.  I then proceed to wake up the two oldest.  After some fighting, saying five more minutes, then me telling them that if they don't get up they will go to bed an hour earlier tonight, they get up.  As they get dressed and can't find this or that, I go downstairs to try and get one cup of coffee in.  I pour my cup and my third comes down all sleepy eyed and grumpy and tells me her sister woke her up.  I tell her to go watch TV as I get her breakfast.  As I get her breakfast, my fourth comes down and tells me his brother woke him up.  I tell him the same as the last... go watch TV and I will get you breakfast.  He then goes on this story of how I have to make him pancakes (every day he wants pancakes).  I get them both cereal.  As I sip my coffee feeding the baby his cereal, my husband says that he will feed the baby if I make his lunch for work (in other words he just wants me to make his lunch and won't take anything if I don't make it).  As I am finishing up his lunch he yells at me that it's time for the kids to go to the bus stop.  I make sure my oldest took his medicine and my second has her glasses on and go to the bus.  I talk with the other moms while waiting for the bus.  I then proceed to walk back across the street and go in the house so my husband can leave for work.  He leaves and the kids tell me they are still hungry and they want yogurt.  So I get them yogurt.  After that my third and fourth tell me they want pickles, because they are still hungry.  I say no they can have pickles with lunch.  While I go to the bathroom I hear them in the kitchen helping themselves to the pickles.  I take the pickles away and tell them that they can have them with lunch.  As I am putting the first load into the washer I hear them again.  Again I put the pickles away.  I get the load into the wash.  I then go into the kitchen and start some of the dishes.  Get them knocked out (not all just some).  I pick up the dining room and the living room.  By this time it's almost time for lunch and I switch the clothes and put another load in the wash.  I get lunch started.  Since they want pickles I make sandwiches.  As they eat lunch I again pick up the living room and vacuum.  They are finished with lunch.  My third is off to school on the bus.  Trying to get the baby down for a nap and my fourth down is near impossible.  I give up.  I get the clothes out the dryer, put what is in the washer in the dryer, and put another load in the wash.  Time to get the two oldest off their bus and walk them across the street.  If they have homework I help them with that, if they don't then I have them start on their chores.  My second reminds me of a Winter Sing tomorrow and tells me that I have to sign a permission slip so she can go from her school to the high school to practice during school hours.  I sign the paper and help pick up the playroom.  I tell her to put it in her backpack.  I get my fourth off the bus and off to the kitchen I go to start supper.  I look at the menu board and see that I am cooking spaghetti and meatballs.  Dinner is done and we sit down to eat.  I get the three youngest bathed (separately), get them dressed and get the older two to get in the shower.  Everyone is bathed and off to bed they go.  As I sit on the couch (drifting in and out of sleep), I wonder where the day has gone.  My husband wakes me up like every couple of minutes and says that I should go to bed.  I tell him that if I wanted to be in bed I would be there.  I finally decide that it was time to venture upstairs and go to bed.  The baby wakes up about seven times during the night to eat.  Here comes 6 am.  Another day like the last, but I wouldn't change it for anything!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Things My Three Year Old Says......

I have to laugh at my kids most of the time.  Joey is a hoot.  Yesterday I was mixing the meatloaf and Joe was sitting on a chair watching me.  All of a sudden the conversation turned like this:

Joe: My poo is fighting
Me: Your poo is fighting?
Joe: Yes my poo is fighting
Me: Who is your poo fighting
Joe: My other poo
Me: where is your poo fighting at
Joe: In my butt

That wasn't the last of I heard about his fighting poo.  I thought I was in the clear after that, but no.  Later I was in the shower and he comes in and it goes like this:

Joe: Mom I just have to poo
Me: Then go poo
after a little bit
Joe: Mom..... my poo is fighting
Me: Is your poo fighting your other poo
Joe: No mom (sarcasm) my poo is fighting my butt
Me: Really (in disbelief that we are again on the fighting poo subject)
Joe: Yea and my butt is a loser..... I just go a lotta poo.

I am so happy that my three year old finds so much fun in talking about his poo so much.  This I know is another reason I lost mom of the year award lol.  It is one of his "quirks" I guess.  I just think (which I am assuming Joe doesn't care) that I don't really need to know about his bowel movements.  He will go into the bathroom come out and inform me what every turd looks like most of the time.

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011

Today I was woke up with kind of a start.  Jose came in and surprised me with breakfast in bed.  While I was in bed sipping my coffee I spilt it all over myself.  Jose then let me take a hot shower uninterrupted.  I came out to 2 dozen roses, a box of chocolates, and a sappy mushy card.  I also had to take my wedding ring off.  I don't know what I did to my finger, but it is all bruised and swollen.  It took me about an hour to get it off.  My ring was cutting into my finger so bad.  I feel so naked with out it.

Tonight I am gonna cook meatloaf, roasted potatoes, green beans for supper.  It is an adventure cooking tonight.  All the kids want to help.  Joe and Nani want to crack the eggs and Jakob and Elisa want to mix it.  Jakob also asked me if he can cut the potatoes.  I just don't know about that part.

Jon is hobbling around like he has two broken legs.  He got shots.  He lost a little weight.  It was expected since he is weaning.  He does drink milk and eats real food.  I don't know he has cut down to two nursing sessions during the day, but refuses anything that isn't me at night.  He will nurse at minimum seven times a night.  The doctor said he is a little behind developmentally.  Just because my son isn't hitting milestones at the rate everyone else's kids are doesn't mean he is behind.  I just think that with having four siblings to do things for him that he is just lazy.  So what he doesn't have a vocabulary of like 100 words and isn't feeding himself with a fork and spoon.  It gives me the chance to do it for him.  So what he was spinning around in circles holding his ears in the doctors office when Joey started screaming and it got a little loud... he does that when he gets a little too overwhelmed.  I think the doctor was a little quick to judge and should ease up on him a little (and me).

So here is my first post.  I promise they will get better the more I type!